DIY Magnesium Spray – Revealing Its Secret Benefits and How to Make it!

Following a strict diet plan, avoiding junk food items, and focusing on natural ingredients—do all these things, but still fail to supply your body with enough magnesium?

Magnesium is one of the essential minerals the body needs to function in several reactions. Be it joint health, the nervous system, muscles, teeth, or even the bones, magnesium is very important for every cell. It helps in reducing stress levels and promotes optimum sleep for overall health management.

However, its deficiency is highly observed globally, as the lifestyle we are following actively reduces magnesium levels. Excess stress, consumption of sugar, caffeine, and alcohol, lack of adequate sleep, etc., have contributed to the reduction of magnesium and other minerals in our bodies.

To meet this deficiency, it is important to increase magnesium levels in the body naturally. But how is this possible? One of the easiest ways is through magnesium oil or magnesium spray.

Magnesium Oil: An Overview

Be it hypertension, diabetes, or skin health, magnesium oil or spray has evaluated its benefits through magnesium therapy in different ways. Merely sprinkling the essential oil on the skin or having a bath with it helps you achieve all the benefits you are looking for. Again, there are various supplements available on the market in the form of medications, drink mixes, etc. But if you are having issues orally taking the supplement, using magnesium oil or spray is also advisable.

But before we move towards how to make magnesium spray, let’s scroll down to the benefits of the oil when included in your routine.

  • Magnesium oil helps improve the magnesium levels in the body through therapies like magnesium soaks and sprays
  • Using magnesium oil spray in the morning skincare routine aids in having a smooth skin tone free from any breakouts, especially for people with sensitive skin
  • Magnesium oil helps reduce soreness in the muscles and restores the magnesium levels that vanish through sweating. It is also helpful for muscle cramps and leg cramps for both adults and children at night
  • Magnesium oil helps get relief from migraine and headaches without any side effects
  • Magnesium surely doesn’t treat blood sugar imbalance or diabetes, but it is helpful in the management of blood sugar levels and blood pressure levels
  • Using magnesium oil through salt baths during bedtime promotes healthy sleep as it has a positive impact on GABA receptors that are responsible for sound sleep

Note: It should be noted here that certain people might suffer from irritation or itchiness when using magnesium spray on the skin, particularly for sensitive skin. Also, magnesium spray promotes sound sleep, but certain people might not be able to sleep earlier after using it.

How to make DIY magnesium spray?

DIY magnesium spray is an ideal way to boost your magnesium levels and obtain several health benefits. Here is how you can make this mesmerizing spray at home.


  • ½ cup of Magnesium chloride flakes
  • ½ cup of distilled water (or boiled water)
  • 4-ounce spray bottle
  • 10 drops of lavender essential oil

How to make:

  1. Take a measuring cup and add magnesium flakes to the cup
  2. Boil the distilled water and add it to the measuring cup
  3. Mix the flakes in the water properly by stirring it
  4. Take lavender essential oil and add it to the water (you can choose the essential oil of your choice)
  5. Allow the mixture to cool down a little. Pour the magnesium mixture into the 4-ounce spray bottle using a funnel

Once the magnesium spray is ready, you can use it daily to restore your magnesium levels. All you need to do is spray the mixture 10 to 12 times properly. You can also spray the mixture on your fingers and rub them directly on areas having soreness or itchiness like muscles or legs, etc.

Note: Avoid using calcium when making this spray, as it surely gets dissolved easily, but the skin fails to absorb the calcium in the spray, and hence, it would leave some white film when used on the skin.

Important Questions About Making a DIY Magnesium Spray

1. Does Epsom salt bath work similar to DIY magnesium spray?

Epsom salt bath includes magnesium sulfate. This can make the skin dry as it doesn’t get absorbed by the skin easily. On the other hand, using magnesium spray directly on the skin would promote smooth skin texture with other benefits.

2. Can magnesium spray be used on infants, kids, or pets?

Magnesium spray can be used for kids to promote sound sleep at night. However, it is advisable to confirm with the healthcare professional or vet before using it on kids and pets.

3. Can pregnant and nursing women use magnesium sprays?

Magnesium supplements are advised by doctors in both pregnancy and lactation phases. Yet, it is best to confirm with your doctor before using it for a safer side.

4. Magnesium spray promotes sleep, but why does it work on everyone?

No. Certain people might suffer from the opposite reaction to using magnesium for healthy sleep. Some people struggle to go to sleep after taking magnesium for some hours. Hence, it is advised to take some tests before using it for healthy sleep.

5. Can I add any other essential oil to the spray while making it?

You can surely add certain essential oils to the DIY spray recipe, like sweet orange or lavender, to obtain certain health benefits and a decent aroma. However, it is always advisable to ask any aromatherapist before adding any essential oil to the recipe to avoid any side effects.

Final Words

Magnesium spray is an amazing way of restoring the lost magnesium levels in the body. Apart from all these, you can also look for natural sources to obtain magnesium, like yogurt, spinach, pumpkin seeds, chard, avocado, black beans, almonds, dark chocolate, bananas, figs, etc. Use the magnesium spray daily by adding it to your shower or directly on the skin, which would also be beneficial in promoting skin health. So, when are you adding magnesium oil to your routine?

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