11 Ways Coconut Oil is Used for Beauty and Healthcare!

11 Ways Coconut Oil is Used for Beauty and Healthcare11 Ways Coconut Oil is Used for Beauty and Healthcare
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Coconut oil is one of the most amazing and nourishing oils we have! Extracted from the fresh and life changing coconuts. This stunning oil is enriched with numerous properties which can get your life changed revolutionarily! Since eras, this advantageous oil has been working miracles for hair, skin and on various health issues. Regular use of this extraordinary oil would simply get you all the benefits in a cost effective way!

Also in today’s hectic and stressful life, it’s very difficult to find time for trying different health and beauty care regimes and thus, you can use this single element for multiple benefits. Take a step forward towards this amazing ingredient which is filled with life changing uses and benefits which you would love to adopt!

Benefits of Coconut Oil in Daily Life

Here are some known and unknown benefits of coconut oil which you must give a chance!

1. Coconut Oil as a Natural Makeup Remover

If you are always worried due to tons and tons of skin-harming makeup you apply daily, you can rely on this super smoothening ingredient which can get your skin repair from the chemicals and elements used in makeup products. After makeup application, the skin generally gets dry and itchy. In such case, you can use coconut oil as a natural makeup remover which would remove makeup easily and fill your skin with nourishment and moisture! Try this amazing trick and get rid of the skin damage worry!

2. Coconut Oil for Moisturizing

This is the most promising and adorable use of coconut oil which would never disappoint you. Coconut oil is filled with organic benefits which can moisturize your skin while maintaining the pH balance of the skin, battling dry and itchy skin and such skin issues. This amazing moisturizer would simply fulfil your skin’s thirst for moisture and nourishment. Use coconut oil before going to bed or before bathing and you would get smooth and supple skin soon!

3. Coconut Oil for Healing Bruises

When you are affected with bruises, the little veins and blood vessels under your skin gets broken and causes ruptures. This leads to bleeding and thus huge bruises appear. The bruises get darker and also you may feel swelling and pain in the affected area. You can use the amazing and miraculous coconut oil to massage the area and get rid of this problem. Coconut oil massage would simply regulate the blood flow and soon get your beautiful skin back!

4. Coconut Oil as a Cool Suntan Remover

Sun tan is a very embarrassing issue which bothers women highly! Every girl wants a beautiful and even toned complexion which looks simply flattering. With suntan, your skin cells get damages and patchy which would make you look quite unpleasing! You can use coconut oil as a sun tan remover and get amazing results! Mix coconut oil with papaya, lemon juice, milk or any of these ingredients and battle sun tan in no time!

Click here to know homemade ideas to remove bags under the eyes.

5. Coconut Oil to Remove Frizz from Hair

Ever experienced a bunch of frizzy, unmanageable, and wild hair which would simply not let you step out of the home? You would get relieved to know coconut oil has a cool benefit for this issue too! Coconut oil is filled with hair pampering taming ingredients which not only would fight extremely frizzy hair but would also make your hair super strong and glossier! Just give a single try to this nourishing oil and you would get flawless results! Massage coconut oil into your hair and let it work overnight. Regular use of this remedy would make your hair smooth, silky and frizz free!

6. Coconut Oil as a Pluming Lip Balm

During winters, dry lips are one of the most common issues everyone face! Lips are quite a highlighted facial part which can grab anybody’s attention and thus is needed to be nourished. Dry, patchy and pigmented lips look as a blunder and would steal all the glory! Apply some amazing coconut oil on your lips and it would work as a redefining lip balm for your lips. From fighting dry lips to pigmentation and from providing nourishment to smoothness, this cool oil would do everything for your gorgeous baby lips!

7. Coconut Oil to Lighten Stretch Marks

Stretch marks are another embarrassing and quite of a common issue women have to face! Due to growth and weight gain or due to pregnancy, the stretch marks appear over body parts like arms, legs, belly and over the thighs. You can try this cool remedy which can make your skin tightened and would also eliminate the stretch marks with regular application. Massage your skin affected with stretch marks with coconut oil and nourish your skin.

8. Coconut Oil to Calm the Bug Bites

Bug bites are quite more painful and itchy than bruises. The tiny but high impact bites and stings of bugs are unforgettable and so are their results. The bug bites can cause swelling, inflammation, pain and various other infections. Coconut oil, as an organic remedy, battles the bacteria and makes the skin free from all the infections. The antibacterial properties of this cool oil would fight the bacteria causing infections and would get you a cool healing treatment!

9. Coconut Oil to Get Whiter Teeth

If you have dark, yellow and patchy teeth, you can try coconut oil for teeth cleansing. For brighter teeth, you can massage coconut oil with coffee powder on your teeth and get flawless bright teeth. The cleansing properties of this cool ingredient would fight the patchiness and get you bright teeth in no time!

Here, We bring for you some tips to get the flawless skin with DIY natural skin care products.

10. Coconut Oil as a Redefining Hair Conditioner

If you are tired of dry, damaged, rough and undernourished hair issue, you can use coconut oil to moisturize and nourish your hair amazingly! Instead of using other conditioners, you can try coconut oil for hair and retain adequate moisture and smoothness in your hair.

11. Coconut Oil Massage to Fight Skin Ageing

Skin ageing is a concern for almost all the ladies out there! Everyone wants a beautiful skin which looks gorgeous and youthful. Coconut oil is a redefining and rejuvenating ingredient which can tighten your skin and make it look years younger! Massage coconut oil on your skin for fighting skin ageing signs and within some days, you would get adorable results!

These are some of the promising benefits of coconut oil which you can try in your regular life and get flawless results. For enriching the quality of your health and beauty, this is a sole ingredient which you can consider without worrying about any ill effects!

This post was last modified on September 18, 2020 12:27 pm

Naina Srinivas: Naina is a fashion and beauty expert who promotes healthy living with DIY home remedies. She believes that living organic is the way of life. She explores many home remedies and DIY recipes and contributes her knowledge and expertise in this blog. She is also an avid fan of arts and crafts.

View Comments (10)

  • It is always the most natural of Mother Earth's bounties that offer best solutions...It's big name companies that exploit.I was lucky to b born too Parents who were of the older generation...Who taught me many things...I'm proud to say I've had 6 children survival by 3 stretch marks on tummy
    Ppl often don't know my age either..
    So Thanks for sharing with other people...

    • Thanks for sharing your experience Maggie! Its encouraging to see your spirit. Glad that you inclined towards organic therapies for health issues. Indeed the things like Coconut and other fruits are divine and a gift of GOD to the mankind and we should make use of it in our daily life.

    • Hi Tshabalala, thanks for placing the comment. Coconut oil is very easily available in the nearby medical store or general store. Which country you live in? If you dont find it near you then you can try ordering it online via any site like Amazon or eBay.

  • I regularly use coconut oil on my hair along with washing it every other day. This helps with dry, coarse hair causing smooth, strong and healthier hair. Especially when growing long hair, mine is tail bone length.

    • That's really good to know. Congratulations for having such a long and strong hair. Not everyone is blessed with such attractive locks. Keep using coconut oil the way you are using currently to maintain the beauty of your hair. Wish you all the very best!

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