Chia Seeds for Weight Loss – Lose Weight in Healthy Way!

How to Use Chia Seeds for Weight Loss Naturally?

Are you scrolling through delicious puddings, salads, smoothies and snacks made or topped with Chia seeds on your Instagram feeds a lot? Are you curious to learn more about these tiny seeds that have recently gathered a lot of attention in the sphere of weight loss? If yes, then this article will help you immensely to understand the uses and benefits of chia seeds for weight loss in detail!

Continue reading to learn the amazing benefits of these miraculous seeds.

What are Chia Seeds?

Native to Mexico, being a part of the mint family, Chia seeds are pseudo grains that are consumed like whole grains. These are carbohydrate rich seeds that, when encountering liquid, are found to form a gel after expanding. Anciently considered to be the staple food for Mayan and Aztec diets, they were found to be banned due to their ritualistic religious use. The word “chia” means “strength” and our history claims that several cultures used these tiny white and black seeds as an energy booster. Chia seeds relished a minor following over the last century and are currently bombarded in the market as a potential superfood.

Are There Any Real Potential Benefits of Eating Chia seeds?

Of course yes. And that’s what this article is all about. Below are the important benefits of consuming Chia seeds that you must know.

  • Chia seeds, let alone, cannot caste a magical wand to help you shed pounds, but it can definitely be an integral part of the journey. Chia seeds should not be just used as a supplement but as a whole grain alternative to the processed grains like white breads or sugar filled muffin dough.
  • The Internet is full of assertions that chia seeds in your meals are the major reason to curb your appetite while promoting weight loss. However, the logical running theory states that since chia seeds are high in fiber, they help to keep you fuller for a longer period of time and prevent overeating. There are almost 10 grams of fiber in just 2 tablespoons of chia seeds which accounts to 40% of the recommended daily intake. According to several studies and researches, a high fiber diet makes you lose more weight than following a complicated one. Make sure to eat small portions of meals throughout the day to avoid taking more calories than required.
  • These carbohydrate rich grains with zero cholesterol swell up once soaked in any liquid and not only keep you full for longer duration but also help in regulating extra fat and removing toxins from the body. It also encourages fighting the free radicals in the body. To clear up toxins that are built in the intestines and to maintain the deposit of visceral adipose tissues around the belly area, chia seeds are found to be extremely beneficial, as per the recent studies.
  • Chia seeds have a positive relation with heart health as these tiny seeds are filled with Omega-3 fatty acids, namely alpha-linolenic acid. Supplements rich in ALA highly reduce the risk of coronary heart disease and metabolic syndrome. Omega-3 which is abundantly found in chia seeds, is known to decrease the LDL and triglyceride levels while uplifting the endothelial function.
  • The prevalence of the eruption of diverticulitis is decreased with the help of high fiber diets, as it helps in the absorption of water in the colon, letting the bowels pass easily. Chia seeds being a rich source of fiber help in supporting the remedy to this disorder. The soluble fiber available in chia seeds helps to soften stool and adds bulk to the diet, preventing constipation and making the bowel movements easier.
  • Chia seeds are well known to support the body’s immune system function as well. Being an excellent source of omega-3 with different types of T and B cells, the function of macrophages in innate immunity is supported by them. Chia seeds with their nutritional content, also help in disposing of damaged cells and pathogens. So, if your diet is not embedded with essential fatty acids, eat more chia seeds to strengthen your immune system.
  • Chia seeds are the potential all-rounder superfood as they help in improving digestion systems, iron levels, good fats and omega-3 content, boost metabolism, and to be an excellent addition to your healthy diet. Due to these several important functions, these tiny black and white seeds have turned into an internet sensation and are highly recommended by celebrities as well!

But there’s a catch!

Being power packed with healthy nutrients and labeled as super foods, they however contain high calorie and fat content, accounting to 138 calories in two tablespoons. Hence, your lost weight might bounce back, and weight loss journey might be reversed if you overeat them. Follow the rule of moderation if you are keen on adding these seeds to your weight management regime.

How do I use chia seeds for weight loss?

Let’s learn how to include chia seeds in your diet to avail of its benefits for weight loss.

  • It is absolutely fine to munch on raw chia seeds as snacks if you like the taste! However, according to several studies, the consumption of chia seeds to provide beneficial affects accounts for much more than a single serving. So, if you struggle to eat larger quantities of them or face difficulty swallowing, they can be an additional part of your diet in several ways.
  • Chia seeds can be added to water while making sure that they are fully expanded before consuming. Chia seeds water can be prepared by soaking a small part of the seeds in 16 parts water for half an hour. You can drink it on its own or add lemon, honey, and any fruit juice soothing your taste buds.
  • Pour some into your detox water daily! In other fruit juices, the taste of overnight soaked chia seeds enhances.
  • A spoonful of chia seeds can be added to the smoothie you prepare with mixed fruits and nuts.
  • Chia seeds can be sprinkled on sliced fruits with nut butter as toppings for a perfect filling and crunchy midmorning or evening snack.
  • Prepare homemade energy bites and bars with them. Do you struggle between cravings for something delicious and monitoring the food portions too? Energy bar comes to the rescue! Prepare tiny energy bars with chia seeds, oats, nuts, and fruits to indulge in their exquisite taste and nutrition.
  • They can be sprinkled on top of the fresh fruits and vegetable salads. Thanks to the high fiber and healthy fat content, such salads help to keep your energy levels soaring well throughout the day, preventing sudden spikes and drops in blood sugar level. As a result, the urge for cravings and overeating is mitigated.
  • Chapattis and breads could be prepared with chia flour to enhance the nutritional benefits.
  • Chia seeds can be added to your daily trail mix, i.e., mixture of dried nuts, seeds, and berries. Make sure to not go overboard with this mixture, as they are calorie dense.
  • Mixing these wonder seeds in yogurt or milk can be left overnight to thicken and eaten in the morning as chia seeds pudding. This dish can be enjoyed as a healthy and tasty breakfast by adding honey or fresh fruits to it.
  • Any bakery item, including muffins, cupcakes, and breads, can have chia seeds mixed in their batter/dough and can even be eaten by sprinkling these seeds on top.

Remember that more seeds you add will give you a thicker final product while sitting down longer. If you aren’t a great fan of the swollen chia seed texture, make sure to blend them in your preferred consistency first.

If you rely on the internet’s logic, just sprinkling chia seeds as toppings to the salads and smoothies while clicking pictures would be enough. But if you want to unlock all the health benefits that aid in losing weight as well, try to maximize its nutritional benefits. This can be attained in two ways –

1. Soak the Chia seeds overnight

You would have soaked oats or almonds overnight to relish their taste and quality in the breakfast. Similarly, soaking chia seeds overnight, either in milk or water, is a great way to germinate them fully and to get rid of any kind of digestive inhibitors that might act as a protective layer. You can eat chia seeds as they are, but soaking them for hours can help you extract all the nutritional benefits, and the water used for soaking can keep you hydrated as well. Add a teaspoon of these seeds to water overnight, and then drink this sticky liquid in the morning or drain out the excess water, and the gel like mixture can be added to your regular foods.

2. Incorporate Chia seeds in your regular diet

Chia seeds can act as a weight loss snack with a super nutrient boost if you add them to a bowl of yogurt. Yogurt is a probiotic and helps in clearing away toxins, while chia seeds can impart a peculiar touch of protein and fiber, making this a wonderful snack. Chia seeds pudding is a low calorie dessert that can be easily whipped up.

It is perfect to fix your cravings on those days when you want to have sugar without putting on weight or being unhealthy. One of the major delicious energy giving weight-loss snacks can be chia seeds and oatmeal. Dry fruits and butternuts can be added in monitored portions to enhance the flavor of the easy energy bite. Similarly, several protein-packed innovative dishes can be prepared keeping chia seeds as the major ingredient.

Some interesting chia seed recipes for weight loss

1. Chia pudding

  • Add 4 tablespoons of chia seeds in a glass jar.
  • Make sure to add 1 cup of only skimmed milk or low fat milk to it.
  • Enhance the sweetness by incorporating honey, jaggery, or dates.
  • Mix the blend well, and thereafter refrigerate the mixture.
  • The next morning, chop any fresh fruits of your choice and drizzle some honey on top to relish the taste!

This is a very simple and quick breakfast recipe that can make you add ingredients according to your palate preference.

2. Chicken chia salad

  • Half cup of boiled chicken is chopped into small chunks.
  • Add 3 tablespoons of soaked chia seeds and half a cup of roasted quinoa to it.
  • Add water to it and let it cook for some time.
  • Once the mixture cools down to room temperature, incorporate 2 cups of mixed vegetables (preferably seasonal) to it.
  • Add a dash of lime, salt, and pepper to taste while mixing it properly.
  • Serve it as a side dish or consume it as a whole meal based on the quantity prepared.

Salads and weight loss go hand-in-hand. The fresh vegetables, fruits, lean meat, and poultry salads count best to reach your weight loss target, and if chia seeds are added to them, the overall nutrition obtained gets doubled.

3. Lime and honey chia seed drink

This is a perfect high protein, low carb drink aimed at those who desire to trim their waistline. This tasty and refreshing drink maintains hydration and can be sipped any time of the day as it triggers energy production in the body.

  • Combine 1 tablespoon of lemon juice and a teaspoon of honey, respectively, with 2 tablespoons of chia seeds in a big jar of water and mix it well.
  • Cover and keep it aside for an hour, and then refrigerate the drink.
  • Beat the summer with this chill drink, and make sure to stir it before drinking.

4. Banana and chia seed healthy cake

The wholesome ingredients of this cake make it a healthy option to count it as a breakfast, snack or dessert. Avoid frosting or adding butter if you are focused on weight loss.

  • Almond (2 cups) and tapioca flours (1/4th cup) are mixed together in a big bowl with chia seeds (1 tablespoon), flaxseed meal (1/4th cup), salt and baking soda (1 teaspoon respectively).
  • Coconut oil (2 tablespoons) and honey (1/3rd cup) are creamed together with the help of a hand mixer and kept in a separate bowl.
  • Add eggs (2 serves) one at a time and keep mixing well.
  • Mash a banana in a cup and mix it completely with vanilla extract (2 teaspoons) and coconut milk (1/2 cup).
  • With parchment paper, after lining an 8×8 inch baking pan, pour the mixture evenly on it.
  • For 30 minutes, it should be baked at 350 degrees Fahrenheit, and allow the toothpick to insert in the cake to check if it comes out clean.
  • Remove it from the oven and place the pan on a wire rack to let it cool.
  • Cut it according to your preferred shapes and enjoy it with fruit and chia seed toppings!

5. Chia oatmeal cookies

  • At 350 degrees Fahrenheit, preheat your oven and line a baking sheet with parchment paper.
  • Combine all the dry ingredients together including rolled oats (2 cups), chia seeds (2 tablespoons), whole wheat flour (2/3 cup), cinnamon and baking powder (1 teaspoon each), salt and baking soda (1/2 teaspoon each) in a bowl.
  • Keep stirring coconut oil (2 tablespoons), honey (1 tablespoon) and apple sauce (1 tablespoon) in the oats mixture until the dough is mixed evenly.
  • Fold chocolate chips (1/2 cup), coconut (1/4 cup shredded & unsweetened) and cranberries (1 cup dried) into the dough as well.
  • Spoon out the dough on the prepared baking sheet.
  • Bake it in the oven, which was pre-heated for 10-15 minutes, till the cookie edges turn slightly brown.

Cookies enriched with chia seeds can be a perfect combination of satisfying sweet cravings with a healthy touch. Oatmeal and chia seeds being the major ingredients provide you with fiber and essential minerals to keep boosting your metabolism.

What are the Risks Associated with Chia Seeds Consumption?

Chia seeds are found to be absolutely safe for consumption, and hardly anyone is found allergic to them. However, the high fiber content in them can cause gastrointestinal problems to those who are fiber sensitive. Being rich in omega-3 fatty acids, they lower blood pressure and improve heart health in one hand and can increase the bleeding risk in the other. Hence, people with bleeding disorders or who take blood thinners should avoid the consumption of chia seeds.

Chia seeds can absorb water up to considerable amounts greater than their weight. If an individual faces swallowing problems or has a history of it, an esophageal obstruction might take place, which requires medical treatment. Its raw consumption should be avoided by children if they are unable to chew properly.

Recently, some folks have been found to develop allergic reactions after having large quantities of raw chia seeds. Always prefer an overall balanced diet with variety of foods rather than concentrating on individual food ingredients. Remember that anything in excess might cause harm to your body and that one should restrict to the accurate portion sizes and monitor their food consumption daily.

Did you know these interesting facts about Chia seeds?

  • In ancient times, chia seeds were thought too highly and used as the medium of currency, and the Aztecs civilization often traded them as legal tender.
  • Almost all the carbohydrates available in chia seeds are actually fiber, which provides them the ability to absorb 10–12 times their weight in water!
  • The quality of protein in chia seeds, which is an unprocessed grain, is much higher than most of the plant foods!
  • The studies explaining the effects of chia seeds on weight loss have been constantly controversial!
  • Antioxidants are well known to fight against chronic illnesses, and chia seeds are the powerhouse of antioxidants!
  • Chia seeds act as egg replacement for vegans or for the ones allergic to eggs!
  • With the increasing problem of gluten intolerance, chia seeds impart the benefits and perfect texture of grains while being completely gluten free!
  • Soaked chia seeds in water with lime juice is considered one of the best natural pre-sports drinks!


To conclude, despite their tiny size, health-jammed chia seeds can be an excellent addition to your balanced and weight conscious diet. So what are you waiting for? With a wide array of benefits, make sure to add them to your diet while enhancing it by today itself!

This post was last modified on January 20, 2025 9:22 am

Cammy White: A fashion blogger and art enthusiast currently living in NY, US. I have done my Masters in Science with Food and Nutrition as major. Since I have a deep inclination towards niches like women's health, beauty, fashion and lifestyle I regularly write on these topics. In my free time I love swimming and hit the gym and cycle riding.
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