Do you know there is a difference between white eggs and brown eggs?
Well, you may wonder if the color of the eggshell is such a crucial factor. Many select the eggs due to the shade of the eggshell, but does it have any relevance with the nutrients in the eggs? The fact is that the color of the eggshell depends on the chicken’s breed, surrounding environment, and stress level the chicken might be suffering from.
Are you also confused about whether white eggs are healthier or brown eggs? This article will help you with the correct answer.
Why are eggs available in different colors?
Surprisingly, eggs are available in different colors; however, the common colors you find are white and brown eggs. But do you know why eggs have different colors? Here is the secret behind it.
The color of the eggs depends on the chicken’s breed. The white eggs are obtained from the White Leghorn chicken breed. On the other hand, breeds like Rhode Island Reds and Plymouth Rocks lay brown eggs. Chickens from Ameraucana, Lushi, Dongxiang, and Araucana breeds lay blue-green or blue eggs.
Hence, genetics and breed determine the color of the eggshells, along with other factors like diet, stress levels, and the environment the hen lives in.
Is there any difference in the nutritional value of the eggs?
Talking about the nutritional value of brown eggs and white eggs, they are both similar. The environmental factors and diet of the hen affect the nutritional value of the eggs.
Some people believe that brown eggs have lower cholesterol levels and, hence, are better than white eggs. But that’s not true. Regardless of the color, one big egg contains 8 grams of protein and 90 calories. On the other hand, a medium-sized egg contains 6 grams of protein and 60 calories.
As per a survey, if the hens are fed a diet with vitamins, Omega-3 fatty acids, and other nutrients, they produce eggs that are rich in Vitamin E and Omega-3 fatty acids.
Which color egg tastes better—white eggs or brown eggs?
Some people prefer having white eggs, while others prefer brown eggs, depending on their taste. But just as there is no difference in its nutritional value, the same goes for the taste. But it should also be noted that they don’t taste the same.
When considering the taste of the eggs, the chicken’s breed, cooking method, freshness of the eggs, and type of feed given to the chicken matter. The diet of the hens raised at home differs from that raised conservatively. This affects the flavor of the eggs.
Also, when the egg isn’t stored, it fails to develop the flavor. While the eggs are stored at low and stable temperatures, they preserve the flavor of the eggs for a long time. Again, the backyard eggs don’t need to go through different processes and even shipping, and hence, they reach you soon and fresh. This can also be the reason why some people prefer having fresh, home-raised eggs compared to preserved ones, as they taste better.
Apart from all these, the cooking method used for preparing eggs also has an impact on the flavor of the eggs. It should only be noted here that the brown eggs have thick shells, are heavy compared to white eggs, and a small yolk portion. So, both brown and white eggs taste the same; it’s just that the above-mentioned factors affect their taste.
Brown eggs—why are they expensive?
No doubt, both the white eggs and brown eggs are the same in every aspect except for the color, brown eggs are still expensive compared to the white eggs. And this is one of the reasons why people think brown eggs are healthier than white eggs.
The brown eggs are costly because the hens that produce brown eggs are larger and lay fewer eggs compared to the hens producing white eggs. Hence, the price of brown eggs is higher than white ones.
Tips for selecting eggs
So, when brown and white eggs are similar, what should be considered while selecting eggs?
By now it is clear that the color of the egg isn’t an important aspect when selecting eggs. Here are some of the essential things to keep in mind when buying eggs.
1. Organic Eggs
Organic eggs are obtained from hens that are allowed to freely move inside and outside the house and feed on an organic diet. Hence, they produce nutritious eggs.
2. Cage-Free Eggs
The hens in this category are allowed to roam in a limited area outside their house and consume unlimited water and food. The eggs produced by cage-free hens aren’t more nutritious as they are allowed to feed on anything.
3. Free-range Eggs
The hens live in a cage-free environment and can also roam outdoors when laying eggs.
4. Antibiotic-Free Eggs
The hens aren’t given any kind of antibiotic by the producers.
5. Vitamin Enriched
The diet of the hens includes ingredients that are rich in vitamins. Hence, the eggs are also rich in vitamins and other essential nutrients.
6. Omega-3 enhanced
The diet of hens may include fish oils, algae, or flaxseeds that increase Omega-3 fatty acid levels in the eggs.
Apart from all these, some other tips to keep in mind when selecting eggs include:
- Purchase the eggs that are only refrigerated by the retailer
- Select clean eggs with uncracked shells
- Avoid purchasing outdated eggs
- Select eggs that carry renowned grade marks or shields for size and quality
- Select eggs according to your needs and budget size
- Make sure to refrigerate the eggs as soon as you get home
Final Words
Wrapping up the content, brown eggs and white eggs are quite similar when considering the nutrient list, health benefits, and taste. It is merely the color and price that are different. Hence, whether you select brown eggs or white ones, the primary thing you need to focus on is the freshness and the quality of the eggs. Selecting eggs produced by hens that are allowed to roam freely in the sunshine and don’t suffer from stress is highly appreciable. It is the production method and farming conditions that affect the color of the eggshell.
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