Myths and Reality of Fasting!

Myths About Fasting

When we hear the word fasting, out mind directly relates that to some religious activities. It is a mindset that in every religion we can see fasting as one of the activities to be performed round the year. Just like Muslim fasts on holy month of Ramjan, Hindu fast on many festivals and even some days in a week in the name of God. Let’s discuss here fasting myths and reality!

Once devotion comes into picture, logic behind fasting is most likely to be suspended and not cared. No matter a person is from which part of the world, there is certainly some kind of fasting for all those who are related to religion.

Why Do People Fast?

According to doctors and researchers, the term ‘fasting’ opens up as a means of health and fitness keeping the myths about it aside. Therefore, the religious person performs fasting for the well being of their inner soul and for the good of it either in this life or the next.

Classification Of Fasting

Fasting can also be classified into several types. The first relates to complete fasting where not even a drop of water should be passed through your lips.

Other are water fasting and juice fasting where only water or liquid juice is allowed to intake throughout the day.

Some other types are where specific food like non veg foods are not taken or only fruits are taken or just the vegetables are eaten.

On a medical basis, fasting is to be done before some tests like blood sugar or cholesterol test and also before the surgery. However, that is not a full day fasting and the person can eat once the test or surgery is done.

What Happens To Our Body During Fasting?

Our human body is just like a machine and like all machines; it cannot work continuously without rest. Similar is the case for human body and according to medical teams, fasting is the downtime of body machine.

Our body does not rest even for a while. If in case it does, we are dead. All day our body inner parts work in providing us energy by burning fats, getting rid of toxins which are accumulated in the body and several other metabolic activities.

Now having said that fasting is a form of rest given to the organs in the body, it can also have some negative impact on the body. Therefore, it is important that while fasting we should be extra cautious and precautions must be taken.

It is not just in case of fasting, in all types of healing extra care should be taken. Once taken with proper care and in limited way, fasting can help our inner body parts to be serviced and start fresh the other day. It is the natural way of healing and restoring. The best part is that this process is performed without even a single penny out of your pocket.

Fasting Myths and Reality

While some people think fasting is good for health, others feel it may have negative effect on the health. Let us analyze some of the myths and reality related to fasting.

1. Fasting For Weight Loss

These days everyone wants to be in proper shape and having a lean structure, has become the order of the day.

Girls mostly like to fast once or twice in a week to lose weight faster. They often intake liquid throughout the day and do not eat anything.


The myth behind this is you do not lose weight by drinking liquids throughout the day and the reality is fasting helps to cleanse the body.

The reason why you do not lose weight is the next day your cravings increase manifold and you start eating anything and everything that is available to you.

Also, consuming too much liquid increases the sugar content in the body. Juices and drinks like milk shake, lassi etc, have sugar in them when taken from outside. This will do no good to your body.

Moreover, when you fast you feel tired and fatigued by the time its evening or even by noon for some. In that case, you just lie down on the bed which means no movement, no calorie burn and no weight loss.


Drinking fluids throughout the day helps to flush toxins from the body. This contributes towards fighting against free radicals. It also gives your organs rest for the day.

The reason why you do not lose weight is the next day your cravings increase manifold and you start eating anything and everything that is available to you.

Also, consuming too much liquid increases the sugar content in the body. Juices and drinks like milk shake, lassi etc, have sugar in them when taken from outside. This will do no good to your body.

Moreover, when you fast you feel tired and fatigued by the time its evening or even by noon for some. In that case, you just lie down on the bed which means no movement, no calorie burn and no weight loss.

How It Should Be Done Ideally?

Ideally rather than being on a liquid diet or not eating at all, you better eat but eat healthy.

  • Opt for fresh fruits and vegetables. Cut out raw fruits and eat them rather going for juice and all. Fresh raw fruits are the best to help in weight loss.
  • Prefer fruits like apple, grapes, melons, mangoes, strawberries, blueberries and any fruit of your choice.
  • Replace your juices and milk shakes with hot vegetable soup. Add plenty of vegetables to your soup and consume them several times in a day. Vegetables act as dietary fibers and they help to eliminate the waste substances and toxins from the body.
  • Drink lot of water. Hydration is extremely important when you opt for fasting. Dehydration may lead to fatigue, dull face and dry skin.

Therefore, be very careful before taking up the fast. It should not be like you end up being size zero but you have lost luster from face, skin and hair and fasting has negatively impacted your health.

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2. Fasting For Tests/Surgery

Fasting for tests or surgery is important based on a doctor’s recommendation as certain tests demand the same.

Diabetes patient often need to fast 14 hours before they can give their blood for fasting.


The blood sugar will be less and your test reports will indicate you glucose levels are fine.


Food taken should be completely digested and the nutrients should be present in the blood. The reading taken will then be accurate as to the level of blood glucose present in the blood.

How This Should Be Done Ideally?

  • Have your dinner by 6.30-7PM the previous night.
  • Do not intake any sweets or sugary substances.
  • Do not eat anything within the 14 hours.
  • Once blood is given, eat your normal daily food. Although you might have the desire to eat after fast but have a controlled diet.
  • Include vegetables, grilled chicken or fish and double bread in your diet.

People undergoing major surgeries should not eat anything as it may be a major hindrance at the time of operation. Hence as per doctor’s advice refrain eating.

3. Fasting For Religious Belief

It is always a good thing to have faith in God, pray, worship etc. but not at the cost of your health. Mother’s and grandmother’s keep fast for the well being of their family irrespective of their age and disease.

Also, they do complete fast without drinking a drop of water and not even swallowing their own saliva.

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God will be pleased and offer you everything in life. You will get health, wealth and happiness.


Every person gets what he is desired to get. Doing a complete fast can adversely affect your health. It makes your body tired, you experience head spin and leg pain. Your body may witness immense fatigue due to dehydration.

We all are the children of God and he cannot see his children suffering to please him.

How It Should Be Done Ideally?

  • Do not consume carbohydrates and non-vegetarian diet.
  • Eat fresh fruits throughout the day.
  • Drink plenty of water.
  • There are religious beliefs in which once the sun sets down, you can eat. Follow the same as it is good for the body. Prepare your own dishes and eat after sunset to help your body get the essential nutrients.

Apart from all this, we all know that on festivals and religious occasions we all take head bath. Not eating anything for a longer duration of time may cause cold and cough in the body.

Once the body gets attacked by the virus, your immune system goes low and you may suffer from other diseases as well.

Therefore, you should be very cautious and careful of all these facts before opting for fast.

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Fasting is a good thing for the body if followed in a disciplined and orderly manner. Simply picking up a day and randomly doing a fast will do no good to your body.

Therefore, follow our above mentioned tips and do your fasts accordingly to get a healthy body and stay active and fit. Gradually you will lose weight too if followed in a proper manner.

Hope you have found this article useful. In case of any suggestion or feedback, please share the same in the comments section below.

This post was last modified on March 28, 2022 12:15 pm

Cammy White: A fashion blogger and art enthusiast currently living in NY, US. I have done my Masters in Science with Food and Nutrition as major. Since I have a deep inclination towards niches like women's health, beauty, fashion and lifestyle I regularly write on these topics. In my free time I love swimming and hit the gym and cycle riding.
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