Analysis Paralysis : How to Overcome the Problem of Overthinking While Making Decisions?

We all have the habit of considering various thoughts and aspects before coming to any particular decision. However, sometimes people start overthinking while making decisions due to overwhelm or misperception. And this state of overthinking is considered analysis paralysis. The sufferer finds it difficult to make proper decisions; however, there are different ways to minimize it as well.

Making decisions is tough work. Surprisingly, approximately 85% of individuals experience stress during the process of making significant decisions. According to the definition of analysis paralysis, it limits your aptitude to make operative decisions as you get stuck with overthinking different situations, making the decision-making process more complex. And this can’t be tolerated as it limits progress, delays success, and creates risks.

Are you also baffled by such issues when making important decisions? If yes, this article is surely what you need to go through.

Analysis Paralysis: What is it?

Analysis Paralysis Overthinking Stress Symptoms and Treatment

So, let’s begin with a proper explanation of ‘What is Analysis Paralysis’. Analysis paralysis is a feeling one experiences when one gets baffled or overwhelmed by the complexity and volume of decisions. This kind of paralysis is observed when one overthinks any situation, solution, or variable while making decisions.

No one prefers ending up with any wrong decision; hence, when the situation is complex, we become sluggish rather than experimenting with any calculated risk. Analysis paralysis comes with other health issues and psychological issues like anxiety, imposter syndrome, and perfectionism.

Want an example of having a brief idea about analysis paralysis? Here is one. Suppose you are asked to book a restaurant for dinner with your teammates, including the manager. You don’t have to simply book a table or menu but also have to impress the manager. For this, you have to consider the dietary restrictions, restaurant choices, and personal preferences of the team and manager. Again, there is no single or correct restaurant to go with. All these would surely bring anxiety and indecision. And this is what we call analysis paralysis.

Analysis Paralysis: How It Feels Like?

Paralysis analysis is a condition that leaves you completely frazzled. The condition leaves us significantly flabbergasted and drained. Here are some of the symptoms one might observe when experiencing stress.

  • Increased heart rate
  • Cogitating thoughts
  • Sweating
  • Anxiety
  • Fatigue
  • Loss of Sleep
  • Shallow breathing
  • Lack of productivity
  • Disinterest in decision-making
  • Inability to focus

How does analysis paralysis affect your life?

Analysis paralysis, also known as choice paralysis, has a haunting impact on our daily lives. These are some of the potential risks you need to look for.

1. Reduced mental performance

The working memory in our brain helps us emphasize the information needed to complete any particular task. This is important when the task includes distinguished cognitive thinking like creating something or learning. However, the working memory is a restricted source. Hence, when used for a long time, it becomes hard to focus while working on the tasks. When the working memory experiences high pressure or anxiety, it reduces your ability to perform mentally challenging tasks.

2. Decreased creativity

Suppose you are tasked with creating a serious picture. As the drawing is challenging, your brain needs to associate with creative thinking to complete the picture. But as you think about the picture, it becomes more challenging due to overthinking things like what to draw, how it would look, etc. This hinders your creativity, and hence, you mess up the picture. Thus, overthinking surely interrupts your creativity levels.

3. Lack of confidence

When one starts overthinking, the confidence level of completing the task reduces. There are several reasons one might lack confidence while making decisions. It can happen due to a lack of required practice, poor choice-making, too much advice, overweighing the positive and negative results, and much more. All these reduce the confidence of the decision-maker.

Apart from all these, people suffering from analysis paralysis observe rigid thinking, perfectionism, people-pleasing attitude, empathy, and much more.

Effective Steps to Overcome Analysis Paralysis

Getting confused when making important decisions? Or is analysis paralysis hindering your achievements? If you are experiencing it, it’s time to either slow down or completely stop the process. The confusion, worry, and ruminating thoughts might add stress, resulting in analysis paralysis. But here are certain effective steps that would help you learn how to overcome analysis paralysis, manage the symptoms, and interrupt the routine of overthinking.

1. Try and understand what’s happening

The foremost step is to recognize and understand analysis paralysis. This would help you identify it quickly and encourage you to make moves to either avoid it or fix it. This can be done in two ways. Firstly, you can identify it by equating it to other decision-making processes. Simply remember the last time you decided on multiple selections. Recall the steps and the process you went through to make a decision. Now compare it with the current situation. If the previous steps and process aren’t working, you are surely overthinking this time. Once you know you are overthinking, try to learn the reason. This would help overcome the thoughts with ease.

2. Explore the causes of overthinking

Exploring the potential causes of overthinking helps you understand why decision-making is troublesome for you. Maybe your previous decision went wrong, or you end up worrying about the pros and cons of the results, or you might be worried about the relationships with any relatives, etc. All these reasons hinder your capability of making the right choice and trusting yourself. At times, certain occasions also make the decision-making process hard. Getting an answer to all these and analyzing the options would help you become aware of the pattern leading to failure. Taking effective steps would help you disrupt the pattern.

3. Start making small selections rapidly

Struggling to make significant decisions? Have you tried making small and quick decisions without giving yourself some time to consider different aspects or overthinking? This might sound baffling, but practicing this step frequently would make the decision-making process easier for you. Like selecting your order or restaurant rapidly without considering other options, choosing a song without going through the list, etc. Initially, you might feel anxiety, but the more you practice making quick decisions, the more comfortable you will get with big decisions.

4. Avoid overthinking

Taking time to think to come to a decision might look idealistic, but overthinking can surely be harmful. Overthinking has a serious impact on the nervous system. It boosts anxiety, leading to symptoms like high blood pressure, stomach issues, panic attacks, etc. You might have suffered mentally when focusing on important decisions, be it in schools, offices, or your individual life. But the right way is to set a particular timeline for thinking to make proper decisions. Suppose you need a week to make any decision. Rather than spending the entire week overthinking, spend around 30 minutes every day thinking about the matter, its results, research, etc., and once they are over, move on. In this way, you would be able to avoid the habit of overthinking.

5. Be confident in yourself

No one knows you better than yourself. If most of your decisions in the past have failed to give you the desired results, you might have started to doubt yourself. The fact that all your choices are bad would have grabbed a huge portion of your mind. And to overcome this fear from the past, you only need to enhance your self-confidence. Analyze what you learned from past decision-making experiences. Initiate with positive self-statements; think about the positive decisions you made in the past; explain to yourself that it’s fine to make bad decisions or mistakes, etc. All these would boost your self-confidence for sure.

6. Be comfortable with uncertainty

Insecurity can surely be scary. No one can predict the outcome of any decision. The choices you make could either yield positive results or become a daunting challenge. So, rather than overthinking, try to be comfortable with uncertainty. Planning the possibility or outcome of every issue isn’t possible. Hence, make sure you trust your instincts and try to become comfortable with any kind of insecurities. This would help in creating positive and fruitful strategies for making good decisions.

7. Give yourself a break

Analysis paralysis is an issue that includes contemplating, thinking over, or spinning similar thoughts again and again. But overthinking doesn’t help you with any positive results or insights. So, when your brain asks you to continue thinking, do the opposite. Take a break from thinking over the matter, distract yourself from the issue, and relax. Try practicing meditation, yoga, or any other physical activity to relax your mind and get distracted. You can also spend some time with your loved ones, try reading books, etc. to give your mind some relaxation from overthinking.

Decision paralysis happens due to anxiety. It can lead to serious health or mental issues like depression. This disturbs your day-to-day routine, work success, life quality, and personal relationships. Hence, if the situation worsens, it is high time to see a therapist who would help you stop overthinking.


There is no harm in taking time to analyze certain situations in life. But overanalyzing the situation can surely be damaging. So, if you think you are beleaguered by analysis paralysis, start working on the above-mentioned effective steps today to achieve your goals. Try challenging yourself when making decisions to get to the right one without overthinking different situations, pros and cons. Always remember, if your decisions fail to give you the desired results, you can always find another way out.

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