Eczema : Can It Be Treated with Home Remedies?

Some unknown facts about Eczema to know it well

  • Eczema is not a single condition. It is related to a group of skin issues which include atopic dermatitis, contact dermatitis, dyshidrotic eczema, neurodermatitis, nummular eczema, seborrheic dermatitis, and stasis dermatitis.
  • It is not necessary that eczema attacks the entire body. It is at times limited to the hands only like painful cracks, chapped skin, itchy blisters, red patches, etc.
  • Many times, eczema comes with a strong genetic background. If both or either one of the parents is suffering from eczema, there are chances the child would also suffer from the same.
  • Eczema comes with too much discomfort and itchiness which can keep you awake at night. The situation also includes exhaustion, inability to function properly, etc.
  • Eczema is not contagious. There are no chances you would suffer from the same if your family member or friend is suffering from it.
  • Changes in the climate, hot conditions, humid environment, perfumes, cigarettes, chemical irritants, particular fabrics, shampoos, home cleaners, etc., can also lead to eczema.
  • Eczema is often connected with other allergic conditions like asthma, food allergies, hay fever, etc.
  • Scratching can worsen the condition to a great extent. It irritates the skin and makes the skin patch dry. This can result in bleeding and invite particular infections too.

Eczema – An Introduction

Eczema Skin Problem and Home Remedies
Are you considering eczema as a health issue? Wait a minute, it is rather a pattern of reaction your skin is suffering. Eczema is a result of various skin diseases. The skin condition may differ from one patient to another where the sufferer would have scaly, red, and itching patches on the skin. The condition begins with red tiny blisters on the skin which contain some fluid with red atop and preeminent plaques. When the red swellings break the skin that is affected will amiss and weep. However, compared to chronic eczema, the older ones are relatively less bulbous as the skin thickens and gets elevated. No matter whatever condition it is, eczema is quite irritating as the itching unbearable.

Scratching on the other hand can also worsen the condition as it can result in bleeding or split blisters which are prone to any kind of infection. Eczema is not transmissible, which makes it safe to be around the people having it. It can occur at any stage of life, but the children are widely found suffering from it. Again, if you have had eczema in childhood the chances of getting it again in your later life increases to a great extent.

So, today let’s learn about the different ways this infuriating skin disorder can be dealt with.

What are the different types of Eczema?

Before heading towards its home remedies, here is a short introduction about the different types of eczema. There are around 11 different types of eczema, and learning the difference among them is much essential, however, it is not quite easy too.

1. Atopic Dermatitis

Atopic Dermatitis is a skin condition that is genetic and is also capable of producing a common eczema type. It occurs in early life particularly in the life of the people suffering from inhalant allergies. In this skin condition, rashes are mostly observed on the elbow, cheeks, knee, neck, and even ankles.

2. Irritant Dermatitis

This condition is observed when the skin is widely exposed to too much of toxic substances like washing powders. You may try to use home remedies for Eczema mentioned below to get some respite.

3. Allergic Contact Dermatitis

When the skin is exposed to the same allergic substance, the immune recognition system of the body called allergen gets activated to the next exposure automatically and also produces dermatitis. This condition is known as allergic contact dermatitis.

4. Stasis Dermatitis

Stasis Dermatitis is widely found on the legs of the people. The lower part of the legs gets swollen when there the lack of proper blood circulation is observed in the leg veins.

5. Fungal Infections

This kind of infection is observed in an identical pattern similar to various other eczema types. However, in this situation, the fungus is easily observed with the help of a microscope.

6. Scabies

Scabies is a type of skin condition that is observed due to the swarm of itch mite. The bites of the mite may lead to rashes which are similar to another kind of eczema.

7. Pompholyx eczema

This is one of the commonly observed eczemas which basically occurs on the hands and sometimes on the feet in the form of rashes. The rashes are generated due to the vesicles or tiny blisters on the toes, soles, palms, or even the fingers.

8. Lichen simplex chronicus

This kind of eczema is observed when a thick plaque is found on the skin. The patches are widely found on the neck and the shins.

9. Nummular eczema

This kind of eczema comes with a term that is not particular or explicit. The people suffering from Nummular eczema find plaques of coin-shaped on the scaled skin. The patches are widely found in the lower area of the legs in older people.

10. Xerotic eczema

If your skin is quite dry, oozed, and cracked, chances are there that you are suffering from xerotic eczema. The dryness of the skin in such cases becomes too extreme.

11. Seborrheic dermatitis

In this kind of eczema, rashes are found on the face, scalp, ears, mid-chest, etc. for the adults. For the children, the rashes are observed behind the ears in the form which are oozy and weepy. At times, it can also cover the entire body.

Hence, these are some of the commonly found eczemas. Nearly every patient suffering from eczema complains severe itching which further results in elevated plaques on the bumpy skin, which can differ from each other.

What are the home remedies for Eczema?

When it comes to eczema, rather than going with medications and other treatments, natural or home remedies are much helpful in soothing the dry area as well as the itching. People usually look for natural products, creams and even make changes in their diet and lifestyle to prevent or manage eczema, particularly during winters as in this season, the situation can be worst.

Here are some of the natural remedies easily available at your home for eczema.

1. Aloe Vera Gel

Oatmeal for Treating Eczema

Aloe Vera gel obtained from the Aloe Vera plant is much effective on eczema. The gel comes with properties like an antimicrobial, antibacterial, wound healer, as well as a booster for the immune system. The antimicrobial and antibacterial properties of the gel prevent the skin from different skin infections when having dry or cracked skin. The healing properties of the gel soothe the broken skin and increase the healing period. Hence, using the Aloe Vera gel on the skin suffering from eczema would provide a soothing effect to the skin and work effectively on the irritation caused due to itching. However, before using Aloe Vera Gel or any product containing it, better go for a patch test as sometimes, it can lead to stinging or even burning.

2. Colloidal Oatmeal

Oatmeal for Treating Eczema

Surprisingly, colloidal oatmeal is among the best ingredients for calming eczema. The finely grounded oats help in softening the skin and calming it too, particularly for the inflamed skin. The oatmeal is easily available in powder as well as a cream form for using it. All you need to do is use the powder with lukewarm water while having a bath. Soak the oatmeal in the water for around 10 – 15 mins and use it. This would soften the rough skin and help in reducing the itching impact. After having a bath with the water and oatmeal, dry the skin by patting it and use some good quantity of hypoallergic moisturizer which comes with increased oil content.

3. Coconut Oil

Coconut Oil is an Effective Remedy for Skin

Easily available in every home, coconut oil is obtained from the coconut meat and is used in the form of a natural moisturizer for the skin. Coconut oil contains antibacterial properties which can help in calming the staph bacteria and preventing the skin from any kind of bacterial infection. The people suffering from eczema have patches on their inflamed skin along with ooze and cracks which allow the bacteria to damage the skin to a worse condition. Applying the coconut oil on the skin would help in avoiding any such damage to the skin without any kind of chemicals.

4. Evening Primrose Oil

Benefits of Evening Primrose Oil for Eczema
Evening primrose oil
is obtained from the plant of evening primrose. The main use of oil is to smooth the irritation on the skin. When consumed orally, the oil helps in the treatment of various inflammatory conditions and eczema is among them. The oil contains nutrients like gamma-linolenic acid and omega-6 fatty acids which prevents the skin from inflammation. When evening primrose oil is applied for treating eczema, it calms the skin and reduces the symptoms without providing any negative effects.

5. Sunflower Oil

Using Sunflower Oil for Skincare in Eczema
Sunflower oil
is obtained from the sunflower seeds. The oil is much effective in protecting the outer layer of the skin, keeps it moisturized, and helps in keeping the bacteria out. The oil also helps the skin with amazing hydration levels as well as provides relief from inflammation and itching. The sunflower oil can be directly applied to the skin without diluting it after having a bath while the skin is still damp. So, use some sunflower oil for reducing the impact of eczema on the skin.

6. Bleach while bathing

Use Bleach During Bathing for Relief in Eczema

This might be thrilling for you, but according to some research, using bleach while bathing can actually improve the symptoms of eczema. Bleach provides the skin with properties like anti-inflammatory and antibacterial. Both properties are effective in killing the bacteria on the skin surface which also includes S. aureus that leads to staph infections. Using bleach while bathing also restores the microbiome on the surface of the skin. Bleach hence helps in reducing the requirement of any antibiotic treatment or topical corticosteroid treatment when used for bathing.

7. Honey

Using Honey to treat Eczema

Honey is a natural ingredient that contains anti-inflammatory and antibacterial elements that are useful for healing the wounds. Again, along with wound healing, honey also increases immunity which helps the body in fighting against various infections. The antibacterial elements obtained from honey are helpful in treating various skin infections which include eczema, wounds, and even burns. When applied to the patches of eczema, it would prevent the skin from various infections and also moisturizes the skin.

Apart from all these, tea tree oil, proper bathing techniques, apple cider vinegar, etc. are also effective on eczema. Make proper dietary changes by including anti-inflammatory ingredients like leafy veggies, fish, colorful fruits, lentils and beans, turmeric, cinnamon, etc. in your diet. This would reduce the inflamed sore patches on the skin and diminish eczema too.

Similarly, there are particular acupressure and acupuncture techniques that are effective for the treatment of eczema. Practicing some relaxation techniques for reducing stress levels is also helpful for treating eczema. For this, go for relaxation techniques like deep breathing, meditation, cognitive behavioral therapy, visualization, hypnosis, music therapy, tai chi, biofeedback, and even yoga for improving the severity of eczema and treating it too.

Most importantly, following a proper bathing technique is also quite obliging for working over eczema. Avoid too much bathing, don’t go for too hot or too cold water, select the right soap, make sure you moisturize the skin after bath, etc. are things the patient suffering from eczema shouldn’t forget. Use lukewarm water, have a shower at least once, limit the bathing minutes to 10 to 15, don’t scrub the skin, replace the soap with gentle cleansers, go for different medicinal baths like oatmeal, vinegar, baking soda, etc. Taking too hot or too cold showers would damage the natural oil on the skin surface as well as the moisture. So, take a look at the temperature of the water. Even after washing the hands, make sure you use moisturizers to prevent flares in the area suffering from eczema.

Bottom Line
No doubt, there is no particular treatment to eczema, taking proper precautions is surely going to help you in avoiding the severe situations. Rather than going for the chemical medications, going for medicated baths, dietary changes, natural oils, and gels is the best way to reduce the irritation caused due to eczema. However, if the severity level is high and the home remedies are not working, one should directly see a professional without wasting any time. You may also try out the home remedies for Eczema mentioned above.

So, how are you treating eczema? Share with us your experience and treatment techniques.

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