People might be frustrated after shaving, as it may develop razor bumps. You may not focus on the other things due to the irritation of the bumps. These bumps even spoil your look and make you feel uncomfortable in front of others.
Don’t worry! You are on the right path now. Here we have enclosed certain home remedies on how to get rid of razor bumps along with their causes and prevention. Just follow these steps to kick off your razor bumps and feel better.
What is a Razor Bump?
Razor bumps are the burns that are caused by inappropriate instruments or appliances with their associated products. Razor bumps are also known as razor burns or folliculitis. These bumps are usually red or dark brown in color. It even resembles a pimple, which is painful and inflamed.
What Causes Razor Bump?
Razor bumps are an inflammatory reaction that occurs when thick and mature hairs have been shaved beneath the skin. These hairs tend to curl and curve back underneath the skin and continue to grow back, leaving a raised bump around each hair follicle.
How to Get Rid of Razor Bumps Overnight?
Many have experienced razor bumps. Persons with sensitive skin and curly hair are more prone to it. Often, these bumps clear off on their own without any treatment. But for the persisting one, there are amazing ways on how to get rid of razor bumps. Let’s have a glance at it.
1. Aloe Vera
- As all of us know, aloe vera has a soothing effect.
- This helps to soothe irritated skin and cool it.
- You can directly apply the pulp of the aloe vera leaf to the razor bumps overnight.
- Give a slight massage over the affected area to get it absorbed.
- Rinse in normal tap water next morning.
- Repeat this daily for an effective result.
- Always prefer the natural aloe vera leaf to the aloe vera gel from stores.
2. Lemon Juice
- As the razor bump is an inflammatory reaction, you can have the bacterial colonization over the hair follicles.
- Lemon juice is acidic in nature, which wards off bacterial colonization.
- You can apply lemon juice to the razor bumps that reduces redness and also puts a stop to the infection.
3. Coconut Oil
- Coconut oil has healing properties.
- It heals minor skin inflammations and their associated problems like bruises, cut injuries, burns, and bumps.
- Apply a thin layer of coconut oil over the razor bumps and leave it overnight.
- Repeat it till the condition upgrades.
4. Tea Tree Oil
- Tea tree oil has an antibacterial effect.
- Apply tea tree oil to get rid of razor bumps.
- Always dilute tea tree oil with a few drops of water, as it is very strong.
5. Potatoes
- Raw potatoes provide you with a positive effect for razor bumps.
- Get raw potato juice by grating and squeezing it in a muslin cloth.
- Now apply the potato juice over the affected region and keep it overnight.
- You can also go for the potato slice and give a gentle rub over the bumps.
- Repeat it till you get an effective result.
6. Peppermint Oil with Rose Water
- Both peppermint and rose water have antiseptic and antifungal properties.
- This also makes you feel cool when it is applied over your skin because of its cooling property.
- Mix 150 ml of water with 150 ml of rose water and add 4 to 5 drops of peppermint essential oil to it.
- Refrigerate it, apply it to the affected region, and leave it overnight.
- Rinse it off the next morning.
- You can see the positive effects on repeated applications.
7. Witch Hazel and Hydrocortisone Cream
- Witch hazel and hydrocortisone are antiseptic agents and also have an anti-inflammatory effect.
- Witch hazel has astringent tannins, which bring down your razor bumps and help them to heal.
- Apply witch hazel on the razor bumps that reduces redness and the irritation associated with it.
- Hydrocortisone is stronger when compared with witch hazel and it is a topical steroid.
- Go with a few amounts of hydrocortisone cream to clear out the razor burns.
- Before using this cream, check for any allergies by doing a patch test on your hand in order to avoid any consequences.
8. Hot Water Compression
- Heat always opens up the skin pores.
- These opened skin pores leave out the trapped hair beneath the skin.
- Give hot water compression by soaking cotton wool or cloth in hot water and applying gentle pressure over the affected region.
- This procedure relieves the trapped hair and makes you do away with razor bumps.
How to Get Rid of Razor Bumps in a Pubic Area?
When people grow up, they attain sexual maturity. This leads to the development of secondary sexual characters like the growth of hair at underarms, pubic region, face, legs, chest, back, etc.
Now-a-days many teens come down in favor of removing hairs from pubic regions. Shaving this area might lead to razor bumps or shaving bumps at the pubic area, which are associated with itching and pain.
You can dispose of the razor bumps on the pubic area by following the above-mentioned natural home remedies, such as applying aloe vera, lemon juice, coconut oil, peppermint oil, potato juice, etc. Even physical hot compression gives you better relief.
The above mentioned are the easy and effective home remedies to go away with razor bumps. Watch your bumps closely for a week. If there is no improvement, then it needs attention. See the doctor and get it treated with other topical and oral medications.
Steps to be Followed for Faster Bump Healing
This section gives you an idea of how to get rid of razor bumps fast. Scroll down to learn about faster recovery from razor bumps.
- Give some time for the razor bump to heal. Don’t shave for about 3 to 4 days after acquiring razor burns.
- Don’t rub the areas accompanied by razor bumps, as rubbing might slow down the process of healing.
- Apply heat to the bumps for about 5 to 10 minutes, which helps to kill the germs and shrink the bumps.
- Also go for the topical application of hydrocortisone cream for about 3 days.
- Always wear cotton clothes if you have bumps over your legs and hands. Other synthetic materials trap the bacteria in, and sweat makes the condition worse.
Prevention of Razor Bumps
Always, prevention is better than cure. Instead of learning the methods for how to get rid of razor bumps, it is better to concentrate on its preventive measures. The upcoming steps should be followed on or before shaving in order to prevent the razor bumps.
- Do not shave too often.
- Avoid shaving on dry skin. Use shaving lotion before shaving, as it softens your skin.
- Use coconut oil for shaving, as it instantly moisturizes and ensures a close shave.
- Don’t shave rapidly.
- Avoid using an old razor. Replace your razor after five to six uses.
- Go with the cream or waxing for hair removal.
- Also, use electric shavers instead of regular razors.
- Go with the shaving lotion products that are pleasant for your skin.
- After every use, rinse your razor well.
- Do not pull your skin when you shave, thereby avoiding shaving too close to the skin.
- Shave at the end of your bath with warm water, which ensures the skin pores are opened up.
- Just follow the grain of your hair while shaving.
- Don’t use razors with more than 2 blades.
- Apply after-shave lotion to prevent infection and also to retain moisture.
Frequently Asked Questions About Treating Razor Bumps
1. Are razor bumps curable?
Yes, the razor bumps subside within 3 to 4 days after shaving without any treatment. Give it time to heal and clear out. Don’t shave before the bumps subside. If the symptoms persist, it is mandatory to consult with a doctor.
2. Shall we use vaseline instead of shaving cream?
Vaseline is a good moisturizer. You can apply a thin layer of vaseline even on the pubic area instead of shaving lotion. This softens the hair, and it is easy to shave as it is completely moisturized.
3. How to remove pubic hair without getting razor bumps?
Before shaving, trim the hair over the pubic area. Use sharp and sterile scissors. Then go for a shaving cream, vaseline, or aloe vera gel to moisturize. Use new, sharp razors to shave in the direction of your hair’s grain. Rinse with warm water and dry it. Finally, apply aloe vera lotion in order to prevent the infection. Razor bumps occur as a result of improper usage of the materials and the shaving method.
Final Words
This article guides you on how to get rid of razor bumps with the proper shaving method and tips to be followed before and after shaving. Hope you have enjoyed this! Go behind with the proper shaving method mentioned above to get rid of razor bumps and stay healthy!