Categories: Hair Care

Using Olive Oil for Hair Care : Ultimate Benefits of Olive Oil!

How Olive Oil is used for Hair Care?

Olive oil reminds us of its application in the kitchen for the purpose of cooking and frying. Nowadays, people have become aware of the benefits of olive oil for maintaining good health. They have started using it for daily cooking. However, apart from cooking, if you use Olive Oil for Hair Care as well as Skin Care, it will offer you with numerous benefits.

Before we learn the application of olive oil for hair care, let us first understand the benefits of olive oil for hair.

Olive oil is a treasure filled with benefits for hair growth, nourishment and shine. Olive oil is rich in moisturizing and growth properties. Olive oil was known as ‘liquid gold’ in the past. It is comprised of monosaturated fatty acids that help in keeping your hair healthy and lustrous. It softens your hair giving it the right amount of nourishment. Your hair becomes manageable without application of chemical products and conditioners. The fatty acids contained in olive oil strengthen the hair right from its roots to the hair tips.

The primary benefits of applying olive oil on hair are as follows:

  • To remove head lice
  • To get rid of flaky, irritated and itchy scalp
  • To get rid of dandruff
  • To overcome the issue of spilt ends
  • Women having dry and thick hair
  • Women who have undergone advanced hair treatments such as perms, curls, straightening, etc.

It can be used in various ways – Like a massage oil, conditioner, spa treatment, overnight treatment, or along with other natural ingredients.

Here are some of the ways of applying olive oil on hair including its benefits.

Ways of Applying Olive Oil on Hair and its Benefits

1. Applying Only Olive Oil

This is the simplest hair growth treatment. You can apply olive oil as you apply coconut or almond oil to your hair. After massaging olive oil into your hair for some minutes, you can wash it off with a good shampoo.

2. Olive Oil Treatment

This is a simple yet effective treatment for removing dandruff from your hair. This treatment also gives softness to your hair. If your hair has become rough and flaky, then you may go for this treatment at home itself.

Warm olive oil for few seconds. Do not heat the oil. Massage the warm olive oil on your scalp for few minutes. Then, you can cover your head with a damp towel. This step is very useful for hair growth and strengthening. Remove the towel after one or two hours, depending upon your availability. Wash the hair with a good shampoo. Do not use a conditioner as the olive oil treatment itself acts as a conditioning treatment. This treatment can be done once in a week.

3. Olive Oil Treatment with Coconut Oil

Well, coconut oil is a favourite oil of most of the women. Coconut oil is comprised of various essential fatty acids that boost hair growth. It also provides a layer of protection for the hair against hair loss, split ends, and other problems. Thus, if both these oils are used in a perfect combination, then it will be an amazing treatment for your hair.

Coconut oil and olive oil needs to be mixed in 2:1 proportion. Massage this mixture on the scalp for few minutes and leave it for a half hour or one hour. Wash the hair with a regular shampoo. As this treatment is simple, one can repeat it twice or thrice a week for better and quick results.

4. Olive Oil Treatment with Tea Tree Oil

Olive oil creates miracles when it is mixed with essential oils such as tea tree oil. Tea tree oil is rich in anti-bacterial properties, moisturizing and dead cell removal elements. If this treatment is done regularly, one can fight with hair problems such as loss, removal of dandruff and head lice.

Warm few drops of tea tree oil and mix it with 2 teaspoons of olive oil. This mixture needs to be applied and massaged on the scalp for at least ten minutes. For acquiring best results, cover your head with a damp towel for one or two hours. Wash the hair with a good shampoo. The damp towel method helps in opening up of blocked pores, boosting hair growth.

5. Olive Oil as a Leave-on Conditioner

If your hair is very dry and needs daily conditioning, then you can use olive oil as a leave-on conditioner after washing your hair. It will not dry your hair and will offer a layer of softness to it. It helps in getting rid of hair frizz for thick and curly hair. For this, you just need to lightly rub a few drops of olive oil on your washed hair. Curly-haired girls can rub olive oil lightly on the curls.

Olive oil is an effective treatment for getting a beautiful, young and radiant skin. Thus, if you are keeping a bottle of olive oil handy in your closet, you can do a lot for your hair as well as skin.

Click here to know how to make organic hair masks at home…

Make a habit of undergoing hair treatments using olive oil at home. If you are occupied in your busy schedules and are not getting time for a hair spa, you need not be upset. The simple olive oil treatment can work effectively on your hair for the rest of the week.

So, treat your hair generously with the ancient natural remedy – the olive oil.

This post was last modified on September 24, 2021 9:13 am

Cammy White: A fashion blogger and art enthusiast currently living in NY, US. I have done my Masters in Science with Food and Nutrition as major. Since I have a deep inclination towards niches like women's health, beauty, fashion and lifestyle I regularly write on these topics. In my free time I love swimming and hit the gym and cycle riding.
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