How to Get Rid of Wrinkles Without Any Side-effects?

Do wrinkles and fine lines bother you? Well, it does for all. Fine lines and wrinkles are the worst nightmares and how to get rid of wrinkles is another difficult question to answer.

Wrinkles appear as you age. It not only appears on the face but also on neck, hands and forearms. It keeps on multiplying giving you an ugly appearance. Wrinkles are caused due to loose, thin and sagging skin.

They are a natural process and define ageing. Due to break down of collagen tissues which further weakens the elasticity of the skin, wrinkles mostly appear. However, most of us show premature wrinkles which are caused due to excessive exposure to sunlight, lack of proper hydration and harsh environment conditions, etc.

There are several wrinkle treatment formula which one can try with a dermatologist, the common one being face-lift which adds freshness to your face and you look much younger. However, these are costly treatments and may have side effects. We bring to you simple home remedies for wrinkles prevention and treatment –

Home Remedies to Get Rid of Wrinkles

How to Get Rid of Wrinkles?

1. Olive Oil Treatment for Wrinkle Free Skin

Olive oil is a rich source of Vitamin E and Vitamin A which is required by the skin. It keeps the skin moisturized for a long time and prevents wrinkles.

Method 1-

Olive Oil for Wrinkles

  • Take few drops of olive oil
  • Massage it gently on your face and skin for few minutes.

Olive oil is light in nature and absorbs completely on your skin. It works best if this method is followed during the night time before going to sleep.

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Method 2-

Honey and olive oil

  • Take a spoonful of olive oil and add few drops of honey and glycerine to it.
  • Mix it and apply the mix on the skin and face
  • Leave it for an hour or so and then wash off.

This method removes dead cells, makes the skin soft and prevents sagging of the skin. It is better to apply this mix one hour prior to taking bath.


Always use normal water to take bath. Taking bath in hot water takes away the essential moisture of the skin, thereby making it dry and more wrinkles appear on the skin.

2. Using Aloe Vera for Wrinkles

Aloe Vera is a wonder plant, especially when it comes to any skin problems.

It is equally beneficial for wrinkles as the Aloe plant has a high content of Malic acid which is useful to maintain the elasticity of the skin.


  • Take Aloe Vera leaf and slit it from the center.
  • Extract the fresh gel from the leaf.
  • Massage the gel on the wrinkled areas for 5 minutes daily.
  • Wash with normal water and pat dry.
  • Regular application will reduce the wrinkles to a great extent.

Let’s know aloe vera benefits for overall health!

3. Honey to Remove Wrinkles

Honey is a known natural moisturizer and keeps the skin hydrated and moisturized. In the case of severe wrinkles, it is better to use honey directly without diluting it with water.

Method 1-

  • Take few drops of honey and apply it on the face.
  • Leave it for some time.
  • Wet your hands in water and gently massage for few minutes.
  • Wash off with normal water.

This method is very effective for face wrinkles and you can see the difference within 2 weeks.

Method 2-

If you see initial fine lines and wrinkles on the skin, then follow this method.

  • Take few drops of honey and dilute with water.
  • Soak a cotton ball in this diluted solution and apply it on the affected parts.
  • Leave it for few minutes and wash off with normal water.

Follow this method regularly to reduce wrinkles in a natural and safe way.

4. Coconut Oil is a Super Remedy For Wrinkles

Coconut oil has been known for ages to be skin friendly oil. It acts as a natural moisturizer for the skin.

There cannot be anything more effective than coconut oil for wrinkles.


  • Take few drops of coconut oil and massage it gently on the face and skin.
  • Wash off with normal water.

It is a simple yet effective method to naturally get rid of wrinkles. You can massage coconut oil before taking bath or after a bath.

After a bath, massage coconut oil on your face and body and wash with water without using soap. It will help to retain moisture throughout the day.

Coconut oil not only helps to get rid of wrinkles but also prevents wrinkles from occurring. Hence, start early and prevent wrinkle formation!!

5. Sugarcane and Turmeric Fight Well Against Wrinkles

This is one of the effective methods for wrinkles.


  • Take a teaspoon of turmeric in a container.
  • Add a spoonful of sugarcane juice and dilute turmeric in it.
  • Apply the mix on the wrinkled areas.
  • Wash off with normal water.

It is ideal to follow this method before going to bed. It helps to reduce wrinkles in a natural way.

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6. Almonds : Enemy of Wrinkles

Almonds are a rich source of Vitamins and minerals especially Vitamin E and Zinc. Both the components contribute towards the improvement of skin elasticity.

Almonds can, therefore, prevent sagging and contributes towards firmness of the skin.


  • Soak 3-4 almonds in water overnight.
  • Next morning, remove the almond peel.
  • Add milk to the almonds and blend it to form a smooth paste.
  • Apply it on the face and skin wrinkles.
  • Leave it for about 30 minutes and wash off with normal water.
  • Pat the face and skin dry with a clean towel.

Almonds delay the process of aging and your skin looks young and flawless.

This method can also be used to prevent wrinkles under the eyes where the skin is most sensitive.

7. Yogurt to Keep Wrinkles Away

Yogurt not only cleanses the skin but also helps to get rid of wrinkles in an effective way.


  • Take a spoonful of fresh yogurt.
  • Add few drops of lemon juice and few drops a honey.
  • Mix well and apply the mix on the affected areas.
  • Leave it for few minutes.
  • Wash off with normal water and pat dry.

This combination hydrates and moisturizes the skin in a natural way. Regular usage will reduce wrinkles to a great extent.

All the above-mentioned home remedies will definitely help to reduce and prevent wrinkles. However, certain measures need to be taken to prevent the premature occurrence of wrinkles.

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Useful Tips for Advanced Skin Care

  • Drink plenty of water to keep the skin hydrated.
  • Do not take too much stress or tension as it will result in premature wrinkle formation.
  • Do not expose yourself too much to the sun, particularly during the peak time of the day. In case it is extremely essential to stay outside, apply a sunscreen lotion and cover yourself as much as possible.
  • Quit smoking as it accelerates collagen breakdown in the body.
  • Include plenty of Vitamin C in your diet as it eliminates free radicals from the body and helps in collagen formation.
  • Include facial exercises in your daily routine for improved blood circulation.
  • Sleep at least 7-8 hours in a day.


A healthy lifestyle matters the most when it comes to your face and skin. Eat and drink healthy and the same will reflect on your skin.

Exercise regularly or take a morning walk to feel fresh and active throughout the day. This will keep your body and mind fresh and you will not only look but also feel younger as you age.

Hope you have found this article useful. In a case of any suggestion or feedback, please share the same in the comments section below.

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