Summer Skin Care Tips : How to Look After Your Skin During Summer?

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Summer is back with its hot and burning effect! Is your skin ready to face the summer with a smiling face?

Although summers are loved due to the vocational mood it brings along with it and allows you to explore to different places, but at the same time, it may also have an adverse effect on your skin. Exposure to sunlight would put you into unwanted problems like immature skin ageing, tanning, marks, acne, wrinkles, fine lines, drying of skin and the worst of all, skin cancer. Confused to enjoy the summer or sit at your home feeling guilty for the moments you missed! Don’t worry, the summers can also be enjoyed by taking utmost care of your skin through various ways.

Summer Skin Care : How to Care Your Skin During Summer?

Summer Skin Care : How to look after your skin during summer?

Here are few amazing Summer Skin Care Tips which would help you to relish the summer with memorable moments.

1. Have a Friendship with H2O

A simple meaning to this is, keep yourself hydrated during the day :D! As compared to other seasons, summer has the ability to dehydrate you from inside. Your body would lose its moisture resulting to dry and dull skin followed with lethargic skin complexion and dark spots.

The best way to deal with all such problems is to increase the intake of water. You can also have fruits and juices which would also work similar to water. Such drinks and eatables would keep you hydrated and your skin moist to avoid pigmentation and other serious problems.

2. Use a Skin Toner

Yes, a skin toner would help your skin from getting damaged due to the harsh sun rays. But prior using a toner, make sure you exfoliate your skin properly. With the exfoliation process, you will be able to get rid of the dull skin as it removes the dead skin. Carry the exfoliation process in the morning and after that, go for a skin toner. The toner would keep the pores of your skin closed and hence, your skin would remain cool. Rose water is considered as the best and natural skin toner to keep your skin excellent for the hot climate.

3. Stay Under the Roof During the Hot Hours

Though summer days are always hot, but the time period from 10 am to 3 pm is considered the hottest. Your skin directly gets exposed to the sun radiations causing skin damage. Henceforth, make sure you are at home or office during these hot hours to protect your skin. Plan your task accordingly and make sure you complete them before 10 am or postpone them after 3 pm. The coolest hours are the best with less damage to your skin.

4. Use Sunscreen Lotion Whenever You Feel You Need It

Sunscreen lotions are the best way to keep your skin protected from the harsh sun rays. But which sunscreen should you go with? Yes, the variety of sunscreen lotions might confuse you at the time of selection. Your skin needs antioxidants and Vitamins the most during the summers. So, select a sunscreen which would include both to nourish your skin. Apply enough amount of sunscreen minimum 30 minutes before you expose yourself to the sun.

Normally a sunscreen works for 3 hours. Hence, if you feel you are going to need it again, carry it along with you so that you can re-apply it while traveling in the sun.

5. Wash Your Face Using an Effective Face Wash

Summers are the days when your face has to deal with lots of polluted air, dust particles and filthy sweating. This would damage your facial skin to a great extent. For this, you need to wash your face using a face wash. Make sure you wash your face two times a day, or whenever you enter your home or office from the polluted atmosphere. While selecting a face wash, select a face wash which contains papaya and AH in it. The enzymes in it would be helpful in treating the dead skin cells and help you regain the moisture.

6. Cover Your Face Before Walking Out

Going out is not at all recommended, but in the case of emergency, make sure you cover your face, hands, back and legs properly. Use cotton hand gloves to cover your hands from the heat. While for face, there are cotton masks available which would also cover your head. The legs portion can be covered by cotton socks. Wearing a cap and sunglasses is also the best way to move out during the day.

7. Look for Waterproof Makeup Kits

Generally, it is advisable to avoid using the makeup in the summers. But if needed, use the makeup kits which are waterproof. The hot days would give you sweaty face leading to smudging of the makeup. Also, the makeup includes several chemicals which would leave your skin with harshness. It would vanish your natural glow resulting to damaged skin. It is advisable to put on light makeup which would glow your face naturally or move out without any kind of makeup.

8. Choose Wise Drinks

It is obvious that you have to keep yourself hydrated in summers, but not all the drinks are the best for it. Some drinks carry a large amount of sugar which is injurious to your health and skin during the summers. Also, reduce the intake of alcohol, tea and coffee. Their intake reduces the water level in your body resulting in inner dehydration.

The best replacements to all these are fresh water, fresh lime juice, coconut water, fresh juice directly from fresh fruits, etc.

9. Repair the Damage Caused to the Skin Instantly

Oops, forgot to apply the sunscreen before moving out! You might have experienced the results. Don’t worry, you can easily get rid of all that damage instantly. There are many smoothing botanicals and cool gels available in the market which would help you to get rid of the red spots and rashes caused due to inflammation. They also work best on the damage caused due to the over-explosion of the skin.

10. Get Skin Natural Skin Treatments

The hot summer would not only leave your skin exhausted but also your body. For this, you can pay a visit to the salon and get treatments like manicure, pedicure, facial, aroma therapy and much more. Make sure you go for packs made with Ayurvedic ingredients or fruits. They would give you the best results in refreshing your skin with a natural glow.

You can also try several homemade packs at home in your leisure time to give a cooling effect to your skin and avoiding the pimples caused due to summers.

11. Before and After Swimming Precautions

Summer gives a vocational mood, and to get away from the heat, people generally visit water parks or beaches. This also gives a major part of your body an exposure to the sun. to avoid this, make sure while packing your bags, you don’t miss the sunscreen lotion. Select the sunscreen after checking the UV protection it provides and make sure it doesn’t get washed away with water. After enjoying your swim, take a proper shower and rinse your body properly. It would remove all the chloride particles you might have carried from the pool and other chemicals and prevent you from unwanted infections.

Apart from all this, you also need to make a proper selection of your outfits. Avoid tight clothes which would generate sweat and hence, give you rashes and allergies. Try to wear cotton clothes that would help in absorbing the sweat. Select light colors instead of dark especially black which grabs the attention of the sun quickly. Prefer wearing white and full sleeve tops to avoid tanning on the hands.

Looking after all the necessary aspects, you are sure to enjoy the summers, which would give you memorable moments without any adverse effects on your skin.

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