Hair Care Products Every Woman Must Have!

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Every woman is aware of three hair care products – shampoo, conditioner and hair oil. Let us now check few parameters on the basis of which these best hair care products are purchased.

  • By its reasonable price and availability
  • By its popularity
  • By its mesmerizing fragrance – Yes, some women simple buy beauty products because of an enriching aroma!
  • Just because it has been used by all the family members since years – For instance, a common shampoo is used by everyone in the family since ages.

Well, there are different types of shampoos and conditioners as per hair type. One needs to have enough knowledge of these hair products that can be applied effectively to experience desired results.

Here is a list of best hair care products for your reference. Moreover, we have added few tips for selecting and applying these hair products effectively.

Best Hair Care Products

1. Shampoos

How to Choose Shampoo?

A shampoo is a basic need for our hair. Everyone knows this. The shampoo industry has developed different kinds of shampoos including Normal hair, Shiny hair, Think and long hair, Dandruff-free hair, Coloured hair, Damaged hair, etc.

  • The best method of choosing the right shampoo is to determine your scalp type Women feel their hair and realize that it is too sticky or too dry. They apply shampoo according to the hair type. The scalp is not at all invited and this counts for the biggest women.
  • Another method to choose your shampoo is by determining the frequency of using the shampoo. How many type do you use shampoo in a week? Know it first and then, select appropriate shampoo.
  • The third aspect is seasonal changes and the hormonal changes in a woman’s body. A woman has dry, straight hair in her teens. But due to hormonal changes during 30’s, her hair may become wavy and her scalp may also produce excessive oil. Many women experience such drastic changes in their hair patterns. In winter, scalp become dry and rough, and needs maximum hydration. In summer, our scalp and hair becomes excessive oily due to continuous sweating. Hence, we need to cleanse our hair accordingly with the right shampoo.
  • Do you have dandruff? Then, go for a dandruff-control shampoo.
  • So, these three to four aspects help in choosing the right kind of shampoo.
  • Even if your hair are oily, do not use harsh or chemical-based shampoos. It will iron out the moisture from your hair.
  • Do not leave the shampoo on your hair like a conditioner. Remember that even if you are using a nourishing shampoo, it is different from a regular conditioner.
  • Never judge a shampoo by its smell. It is not a correct method to choose a shampoo.
  • The main purpose of shampoo is to remove the dirt, oil and pollutants from your hair and scalp. Hence, when you wash your hair with a shampoo, remember to scrub your scalp a little. Once your scalp is clean and free from dirt, it will not affect your hair.

2. Conditioners

Another important product in every hair wash regime is a conditioner. If you have never used a conditioner for hair, then you are missing out something. The main function of a conditioner is hydrate the hair with its properties. Women are aware only about the basic conditioners. The conditioner industry has introduced various kinds of conditioners in the market. One needs to do enough research by browsing the products.

Select Hair Conditioner as per Your Hair
Few of these are as follows:

a. Regular Conditioner

  • These are the regular conditioners every woman can use on hair. It makes your hair manageable, soft and shiny.
  • These are easily available at any store at reasonable prices. Conditioners are not meant for scalp.
  • These are applied only on hair ends and the middle portion of the hair.
  • Leave the conditioner only for two minutes and feel the difference. This is the best way of protecting and nourishing your hair in a few minutes.

b. Deep Conditioner

  • If your hair are extremely dry and rough, then you can opt for a deep conditioner. Deep conditioners are thick and have higher conditioning properties.
  • You need to check the labels carefully to know whether a conditioner is a regular or a deep one.
  • Deep conditioner is best during winter season, and in cold countries. Follow the instructions given on the packet.
  • If you have oily hair, then you should never opt for deep conditioners. Regular conditioners are the most appropriate for you.

c. Massage Conditioners

  • Remember the last hair spa treatment you had in an expensive salon. Imagine having the same kind of hair spa at home.
  • May be you can’t experience the exact spa treatment at home, but you can gain those shiny and soft hair with a massage conditioner.
  • You just need to massage your hair using this conditioner and get amazing hair within two minutes!

Meanwhile if you have lice grown in your hair you can get rid of them via organic methods.

3. Hair Oil

  • Hair oils are available in various varieties.
  • Each hair oil offers substantial benefits to your hair.
  • There are various types of hair oils available in the market such as Coconut oil, olive oil, almond oil, tea tree oil. The list is endless.
  • You should have an oil bottle at your home and apply it on hair regularly.
  • You should have hot oil massage once a week to get rid of dandruff and to have shiny, soft hair.

4. Hair Masks or Packs

  • If your hair are dull and weak, then you should also apply hair masks on your hair.
  • If you have ample time, then you can prepare hair masks or packs at home with natural ingredients. But if are short of time, then cosmetic stores are full of healthy hair masks and packs for your hair.
  • They are available in the form of protein treatments, anti-dandruff creams, and so on. You need to choose the best one to treat your dry and brittle hair.

As we are describing hair care products, let us also understand about few hair styling products that a woman can include in her closet. Though these products are not mandatory, but one can definitely get these to have a great hair day!

5. Leave-In Conditioner

  • This is different from the conditioners explained above. In the above part, we have described about the rinse-out conditioners that need to be washed away after application.
  • However, leave-in conditioners should be kept on the hair for protecting from sun rays, dirt and pollution.
  • It acts as a shield for your hair. It makes your hair soft and manageable.

6. Hair Serum

  • Hair serums work like a leave-in conditioner.
  • Moreover, they control getting your frizz.
  • These products also act as a protective cover against hair styling appliances.

7. Hair Sprays

Hair Spray for Hair Care

  • You have styled your hair and do not want to spoil its look. It should be in the same place. Yes, it is possible with the help of a good hairspray.
  • You can spray it on your hair to avoid any damage to your hairstyle.
  • It is true that such products cause some kind of damage to your hair. Hence, use it only on special occasions.
  • Do not spray too much to dampen your hair.

8. Hair Gels

  • Like face gels, we also have hair gels for giving a firm hold to our hair.
  • In case you need curls, or want to control unnecessary frizz, then hair gels are best.
  • It is extremely easy to apply a hair gel. You need to take a sufficient quantity of hair gel in your palms and apply smoothly on the desired part of hair.
  • If you have a bad hair day, then tie a ponytail and apply little hair gel on it.

More Tips To Use Hair Care Products Effectively

Always remember –
Use Shampoo – According to scalp type
Use Conditioner – According to hair type

  • Never use shampoo twice at the same time as it will dehydrate your hair.
  • If your hair have become sweaty or dirty, then immediately wash it off with a good shampoo.
  • Do not experiment too much with the shampoos.
  • Always dilute the shampoo with a small portion of water. Nut do not dilute a conditioner.
  • Use warm water to wash off shampoo but cold water to wash off the conditioner from the hair.
  • Do not leave the conditioner on the hair unless it is a leave-in conditioner.
  • Always use hair styling products of good quality. Do not go for non-branded ones.

Thus, now you must have gained a fair idea about choosing the best hair care products. You need to free your mind from the misconceptions and understand few truths about hair care regime.

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